Residential and Sports Center
Could combining a leisure lifestyle with sports activities be the most inspiring blend of them all? That was the case with theproject for Rosendals Torg, which was set to create an unforgettable residential and sports center. As a result, up until now, its style keeps on surprising many incoming visitors.
When it comes to Rosendals Torg, the location of this project is not incidental. This investment takes the best features from Siegbahnsparken and Stadsskogen natural reserve. Therefore, the project provides irresistible features and advantages that all residents can thrive on.
The structure of the main building is U-shaped, which always lets the architects play with form a little bit more. It opens to the western side, forming an urban block towards the rest of the district. This way, we have managed to perfectly fit the shape of the building with the surrounding neighborhood.
At Sustainvr, we have always given praise to innovations in design and functionality with sustainability in mind. Therefore, Rosendals Torg has become a modern urban design that combines utility and novelty. With its 450 residences, the quarter creates a unique and fascinating community in Sweden’s Uppsala.
One of the main focus points of the complex is the accessibility to cozy amenities. Not only are there well-developed sportshalls but also a renowned range of public places. Residents can take advantage of a local library, a gym, and even a paddle. One of the façades is equipped with an external movable sunscreen. Once closed, it is semi-transparent for suna nd visibility. On the other hand, in the evening, it also serves as a huge screen towards the square.
This is the place where important sporting events or musical performances can take place with the zone acting as a grandstand and all city residents as active audiences. The sports complex has direct visual access to the nearby park and street area while being partially hidden. A self-sustainable community – Rosendals Torg embodies the idea.
Rosendal Fastigheter
Rosendal Fastigheter