Fullerö Hussvalan

42 town houses and 8 villas

The world-renowned Scandinavian design provides unforgettable opportunities to all architects. With Fullerö Hussvalan our team at Sustainvr has managed to bring together all that is most exciting about modern designs. With attention to even the smallest details, we have managed to create a unique project for 500 families altogether.

 The first phase of Fullerö Hussvalan was bornin 2008 when our team created the initial master plan for the whole project. From the very beginning, our aim was to create a breathtaking and useful housing neighborhood for approximately 500 families. The idea was to build houses both for smaller and larger groups of people.

It was not until 2017 that the first portion of50 houses was under construction. Step by step, the whole investment was starting to take shape and grow. This is one of the most astonishing residential communities one could imagine, which truly embodies the spirit of Swedish design in architecture.

The residential area is located in Fullerö, which is just south of Storvreta and north of Uppsala. At the moment, the whole investment consists of 42 townhouses and 8 villas. All of these wonderful high-end buildings provide the most unforgettable memories to their inhabitants.

One of the greatest features of Fullerö Hussvalan is the use of oak wood panels. These parts cover the roofs and facades of all the local buildings. Interestingly enough, they come indifferent dimensions and shapes, just as the source material does.

These unique residences are designed and modeled in a unique way. They are pushed in and pushed out in the plan, while all the roofs possess 40-degree gable angles. Private terraces and plots are separated from one another by fences and outdoor storage. Hence, the complex secures intimacy and privacy in many ways, which is perfect for families.



Rosendal Fastigheter




Fullerö , Sweden

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